It's The Weekend!

Finally, it’s the weekend! Did someone day sleep in late time? YAY! Although I do have my chores all lined up I always try to make it fun.

What more fun than having your favorite songs all in one playlist and dancing away! Music! Music makes the heart glad! Indeed, you can agree with me on this. Whatever your mood listening to music always creates a better feeling, better atmosphere and sometimes makes us procrastinate….hello dance break..

In the islands the two most popular genres of music that we have are Soca and Dancehall. These two genres of music have come a long way and I can tell you that my 238 sq mile island is very talented! Honestly speaking my playlist consist mostly of local music and I would love to share it with you.

There are a few artists that I really admire because of their hard work, dedication and their passion. This has caused them to create amazing music, and they make up my Weekend Chores Playlist. Have you ever listened to soca? If not, prepare your dancing booty shorts, and lots of space because I am going to share some music videos with you. 

Please listen with me

Some of these actually highlight beautiful parts of my island, so if you’ve been thinking of visiting here’s a different take on the “tourism outlook. Which songs were your best? Let’s chat in the comments section.



  1. Lovely post... I love to listen to dance hall whIle I do my weekend chores... although there is more dancing than cleaning..

  2. This is amazing! I love this blog! #Team758

  3. lol music def makes doing chores fun. Lord knows I hate chores hahaha ������

  4. Well done. I mean seriously... who doesn't enjoy a good song to jam too
